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Great Dunmow & District Round Table is not likely to make donations of more than £2000 except in exceptional circumstances. Round Table is keen to support many aspects of community life and gives to many diverse parts of the community. Round Table encourages applications that enhance the social and environmental well-being of the community and community groups. Donations are intended to be directed towards local groups, individuals, charities, and projects that are in need of funds to partially or fully assist in the purchase of services or materials which will be for the sole benefit of the individual(s) or group making the application.


Examples of projects which the Round Table might be likely to look favourably on are:
• Projects which are of special help to young or elderly groups. For example, scouts, guides, youth clubs, and friendship clubs
• Projects which support community life in general such as improvements to community facilities such as village halls.
• Arts, cultural, and sports projects such as support for amateur drama and sports teams.


Round Table will look favourably on applications, which can demonstrate strong community support, result in a long-term enhancement, and enable applicants to attract other sources of funding. Efforts made by the organisation to raise their own funds and source further grants will also be noted. 


Providing as many relevant details as possible on the application form will prevent a delay in our response. We will also consider written supporting evidence in the form of letters, background information, images, and even videos. 


If a funding proposal meets our criteria we may be able to provide financial assistance or other forms of support such as contacts, advice, and practical help with project planning. Round Table does not fund salaries or capital costs but can assist


Round Table will normally consider proposals once per quarter. Applicants will be informed by letter or e-mail of the outcome of their application. All cheques will be made payable to the organisation making the application, no cheques will be made payable to individuals.


Round Table representatives reserve the right to inspect projects during their progress or at completion. Round Table reserves the right to only make payments on the production of an invoice. Staged payments may be applicable in some cases.

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